Bike Clutch Brake:  In the rainy season, if you get stuck in a jam etc., then a lot of petrol is consumed.


Bike Clutch Brake:  In the rainy season, if you get stuck in a jam etc., then a lot of petrol is consumed. In such a situation, if you want to save petrol, then today we are going to tell you about the correct combination of clutch and brake, after knowing which you can get the best mileage from your car.

Drive slowly and maintain distance: Roads are slippery during rain, so you should drive slowly and at a steady speed. This will reduce the use of brakes and clutch, which reduces petrol consumption.

Shift gears properly: Shifting gears at the right time is very important. If you are driving at a slow speed, use a lower gear and shift to a higher gear when the car is faster. Driving in the wrong gear increases the stress on the engine and consumes more petrol.

Use Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS): If your vehicle has ABS, it should be used properly. This system prevents the wheels from locking during braking, which keeps the vehicle stable and reduces petrol consumption.

Do not let the engine run idle: Switch off the engine at traffic signals or when stopped anywhere. This will save fuel.

Press the clutchless: Avoid pressing the clutch too much while driving. This puts pressure on the engine and increases petrol consumption. Use the clutch only when changing gears.

By following these simple tips, you can reduce petrol consumption in the rain to a great extent and experience safe driving.