Car Tips For Summer: This summer you can take care of your car like this, read some special tips


It is also important to apply sunscreen while driving in the summer, wear sunglasses with polarized lenses, always carry a water bottle with you, and ensure that the engine speed is not too high.

Car Tips For Summer: The summer season is at its peak in the country right now and this is a challenging time for you and your car to travel during the day. Therefore, it is important to keep some things in mind to deal with this record-breaking heat. Today we are going to tell you about some easy tips to keep your car cool in this season. 

Park in the shade 

It is very important to find some shade to park your car in this season and as far as possible, avoid parking the car in direct sunlight, especially when you are going somewhere. Always try to find a shady place while parking the car and while parking at home, keep the car covered with a cover.

open the windows 

Sitting in a car on a hot day feels very hot. Therefore, the first thing people do after getting inside the car is to turn on the AC on full. However, along with this, you should also open the windows and let the hot air out. Do not set the air conditioner to maximum and you can also pre-cool the cabin with a phone app as most cars nowadays come with connected car technology.

keep the sunroof closed

Always cover the inside sunroof with a sunroof blind and never leave it open as this traps even more heat. 

Get the AC serviced 

Get your car's AC serviced from time to time and this is necessary before the summer.

Keep an eye on tire pressure 

It is also very important to keep an eye on your tyres and correct tyre pressure and keep checking them regularly. Check your tyre pressure every day before setting out on a journey and do not keep the tyre pressure too high or too low for better efficiency.

Get servicing done on time 

You may have sometimes seen cars overheating due to low coolant levels in summer and hence, timely servicing is important to maintain the coolant level. It is also important to use the right coolant for your car. Also, get your car's other fluids and engine oil checked and get better performance from your car by getting timely servicing done.

Other measures 

It is also very important to apply sunscreen while driving in the summer, wear sunglasses with polarized lenses, always carry a water bottle with you, and also ensure that the engine speed is not too high or the engine is not run continuously for too long.