Do not make these 5 modifications in your car even by mistake, the car will be seized and you will have to pay a fine of thousands


Illegal Car Modifications:  There are some modifications which are considered illegal by law and if you do them, your vehicle can be seized or you may have to pay a heavy fine. 

Illegal Car Modifications:  There are some modifications in the car which are considered illegal by law and if you do them, your vehicle can be seized or you may have to pay a heavy fine. Here are 5 such modifications, which you should not get done in your car even by mistake:

High-intensity headlights (HID/Xenon):

Bright headlights, such as HID or Xenon lights, may be considered illegal if they are more powerful than standard headlights. They can blind other drivers, increasing the risk of accidents.

Loud Exhaust System:

Modifying the exhaust system to make it noisier is against the rules. Excessively noisy exhaust systems cause noise pollution and can lead to fines under the law.

Raising or lowering the chassis and body:

It is illegal to change the height of the car's chassis, i.e. raising or lowering it too much. This can disturb the balance of the car and increase the risk of an accident.

Illegal tinted windows:

The government has set certain standards for window tinting. If your car windows have more tinting than this, then it will be considered illegal. If you do this, you may have to pay a challan.

Illegal horns and sirens:

It is illegal to use loud horns and sirens similar to those of police/emergency vehicles. Violating this rule can lead to a fine as they are a distraction for other drivers.

Avoid making these modifications so that you can avoid legal hassles and fines. Always make modifications to your vehicle that are in accordance with the law and safety standards.