How long should the engine of the bike be changed? If you are making a mistake, then be careful


Bike Care Tips: If you get the engine oil of the bike changed at the right time, believe me, it increases the performance of the engine, as well as it also extracts good mileage.

Bike Tips: If you forget to put engine oil in your bike and do not change it even after riding the bike for a long time, then doing so adversely affects the engine of the bike. If you do not understand what is the right time to change the bike engine oil, then today we are going to tell you some ways that you can find out when is the right time to change the engine oil of the bike. Knowing this, you can easily get good mileage and also increase the life of the engine.

The right time to change engine oil:

Every 3,000-4,000 kms: Most bikes recommend that engine oil be changed every 3,000-4,000 kms. In some bikes, this gap can also be up to 5,000 kilometers, but regular checks should be done.

For a new bike: It is necessary to change the oil at 500-700 km before a new bike. This is called First Service and it is necessary to remove the initial wear present in the engine. Next, follow the service schedule provided by the manufacturer.

Old or heavily used bikes: If the bike is old or heavily used (e.g. for long distances daily), it is better to change the engine oil between 2,000-3,000 kms.

Based on usage 

When running in the city: Due to frequent stops and running in urban traffic, there is more pressure on the engine, which can cause the oil to dirty quickly. In such a situation, it is good to change the engine oil at 3,000 kilometers.

Highway driving: Continuous highway driving does not spoil the oil quickly, so it can be changed to slightly higher (4,000-5,000 kms).

Pay attention to seasonal changes: Check the condition of the oil even if the bike hasn't been driven in a long time, or the weather is changing. Sometimes oil can get spoiled due to moisture and other environmental reasons.

Follow the bike manufacturer's advice: Every bike manufacturer provides a service manual that tells how many kilometers or time the engine oil should be changed. The safest way is to follow it.

Disadvantages of not changing engine oil on time:

Dirt and dust accumulate in the engine.

There is more friction inside the engine, due to which its parts wear out.

The mileage and performance of the bike starts decreasing.

There may be a problem with the engine overheating.

In such a situation, if you want your bike's engine to be in good condition for a long time and its mileage is also maintained, then it is very important to change the engine oil on time.