Death Facts: Why does the brain become more active just before death? Know what happens during this time

brain - photo: istock

Last 7 Minutes Before Death: Many types of questions arise in every person's mind regarding death. Many times this question might have come to your mind what happens after or just before death? And how does a person feel during this time? Today we are going to tell you some interesting things related to this, about which you would hardly be aware. In fact, in the last 7 minutes before death our brain suddenly becomes very active. Science has done enough research on these strange activities, through which the electrochemistry of the dying brain has been known. The research found that in the moments before death, high gamma frequencies increase in specific areas of the brain, which is particularly observed just before death. This activity is indicative of a unique behavior of the brain near death. 

Brain - Photo: istock

7 minutes of neural activity before death

Just before death, i.e. in the last moments, our brain reaches an intense state of activity. Some studies have looked at patterns of brain activity to predict the recall of dreams and memories in the final moments. This mysterious experience is called “7 minutes of neural activity before death”. It is believed that in these seven minutes, a person remembers the moments of his life like a reel of a film.

Brain - Photo: istock

The brain works for 7 minutes even after death.

Many sources say that even after being declared dead, the human brain works for 7 minutes. Researchers studied brain activity for 7 minutes during death. Researchers found that when the brain cortex comes back online, how much oxygen reaches it? It was also observed that activity increases in the cerebral cortex and other areas of the human body.

Brain, Stroke - Photo: istock

What happens in the last 7 minutes?

  • According to research, the first minute is reportedly a warm-up phase, during which humans remember the most important things in life. It is believed that women usually remember their deliveries at this time and see the faces of their parents.
  • The second minute reminisces about the person's childhood friends and their first playtime. Also during this time, people remember the moments spent with their brothers and sisters. 

brain - photo: istock

  • In the third minute, a person remembers his closest and most loved experiences.
  • The fourth minute is reportedly a reminder of the lonely moments that were not there in the first three minutes.
  • In the fifth minute, the person sees the miraculous moments of his life.
  • In the sixth minute, the person evaluates his character and remembers the way he treated the people in his life.
  • The final moments reportedly remain mysterious. There is no clear information about this last minute.