Garuda Purana: What happens in the body at the time of death? How does the soul leave the body? Know the mysteries related to death
Garuda Purana tells about the mysteries related to death. Garuda Purana tells about the mysteries related to death.
Before death, a person starts getting many types of signals. Many types of changes start happening in his body and behavior. Let us know what happens in the body of a person when he is about to die? How does the soul leave the body? Garuda Purana tells about the mysteries related to death.
The inevitable truth of life is death. The creature who is born is sure to die. One who does good deeds gets free from the cycle of birth and death and gets a place in Lord Vishnu's supreme abode Vaikuntha. Those who are sinners, who are involved in wrong deeds, have to suffer the pain of hell. Before death, a person starts getting many types of signals. Many types of changes start happening in his body and behavior. The question is that when a person is about to die, what happens in his body? How does the soul leave the body? Garuda Purana explains in detail about the mysteries related to death. Let us know about it.
What happens before death?
According to Garuda Purana, death is time. When the time of death comes, the soul gets separated from the soul and body. Death always comes at its own time. Every creature is under the control of time. Sat, Raj and Tam, these three qualities are also under the control of time. They expand in creatures according to time. When the death of a creature comes, some time before that, due to divine yoga, some disease or the other arises in his body.
What happens at the time of death?
At the time of death, all the senses become restless, strength, energy and speed all become weak. The pain that creatures feel is like the bite of millions of scorpions, from this the pain caused by death should be estimated. Consciousness ends only after that. The body becomes weak. The body becomes inert.
At that time, the messengers of death come and stand nearby and they start pulling the soul of that person forcefully. At that time, the soul comes to the throat. Before dying, the appearance of the deceased becomes scary. He starts spitting foam from his mouth. His mouth gets filled with saliva. After that, the messengers of death take the soul living in the body with them to Yamlok. The soul of the person departs. At the time of death, the air flowing in the body becomes fast, due to its power, the fire element also becomes fast and starts rising. That heat starts piercing the soft parts of the body. Due to this, the person suffers a lot.
People who do not lie, who do not cheat, who are believers and devotees, they get a happy death. Those who are virtuous and gentle, they die happily. Those who preach attachment, ignorance, tell lies, cheat, such people get a death in the form of unconsciousness. The messengers of death take them away. Their body trembles, they cry remembering their mother, father, son. At that time, even if they want to, not a single word comes out of their mouth. Due to fear, their eyes start dancing. Their breathing increases and their mouth starts drying. Due to extreme sorrow and pain, he gives up his body. After that, he becomes an object of hatred for others.
How does the soul leave the body?
When a person dies, his soul leaves the body through the pores of the eyes, nose or skin. The soul of a wise or great man leaves from the upper part of his brain, while the soul of sinful people leaves from his anus.