These big changes are going to be implemented from June 1, and will affect every house and every pocket!


New rule from June 1, 2024: Only a few days are left for May to end and many changes are going to happen from June 1. These changes will have a direct impact on the pockets of the common man.

Big changes in LPG, and banks on June 1, impacted on common man. These big changes are going to be implemented from June 1, impact will be visible in every house and every pocket!

There will be a big change in these rules related to gas cylinders and banks from June 1 (Image Source: Getty)

New rule from June 1, 2024: Many major changes take place in the country on the first of every month. Now the month of May is about to end. The month of June will start in a few days. Many big changes are going to happen from June 1. Which will have a direct impact on the pockets of the common man. These changes range from gas cylinder prices to banking rules. You need to be aware of all these changes. Let us tell you what big changes are going to happen from June 1.

LPG cylinder

LPG cylinder prices change on the first of every month in the country. The price of LPG cylinders is decided by oil marketing companies. Companies have fixed the prices of 14 kg domestic and 19 kg commercial cylinders. Along with this, the prices of CNG and PNG have also been fixed. In such a situation, there may be a change in gas prices on June 1. Oil marketing companies will decide the prices of gas cylinders on June 1.

Aadhaar card update

UIDAI has extended the date for free updating of the Aadhaar card till June 14. Aadhaar holders can easily update their Aadhaar card online. However, for offline updates i.e. visiting the Aadhaar center, a charge of Rs 50 will have to be paid per update.

Rules of driving vehicle

The driving age in the country is 18 years. If a minor below 18 years of age drives a vehicle, he will be fined heavily. If a minor is caught driving a vehicle, he will have to pay a fine of up to Rs 25,000. Apart from this, a minor will not get a license till the age of 25 years.

Traffic rules are also being changed in the country from June 1. The new driving license rules will come into effect from June. If any person violates these rules, he will have to pay a heavy fine.

Banks will remain closed for 10 days in June

The Reserve Bank of India has announced the list of bank holidays for June. There will be a 10-day holiday in banks next month. Banks will remain closed for 6 days due to the weekly holiday.