Before the Lok Sabha elections, the Central Government gave this big gift to Rajasthan, Diya Kumari gave this information


Two national highways of Rajasthan will be upgraded at a cost of approximately Rs 238 crore. Its approval has been issued by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways of the Central Government. This information has been given by Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari. In this regard, he said that approval of Rs 82.72 crore has been issued for 3.95 km long four lane paved shoulder work for National Highway 79 (New 448).

Diya Kumari said that after four-laning, there will be smooth flow of traffic and the black spot (Nasiradabad Valley) on the highway will be completely resolved. Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari in the Bhajan Lal government informed during this time that 25.66 km of 2-lane paved shoulder on National Highway 248A Shahpura Alwar road from km 36/300 to 48/700 and km 69/550 to 83/780 will be constructed on EPC mode. Approval of Rs 154.89 crore has been issued for the length upgradation work.

With this, the width of the road will increase from 5.5 meters to more than 10 meters. This step of the Central Government will ease the traffic going from Shahpura to Delhi and Haryana via Thanaganji, Sariska, Alwar.

PC: herzindagi

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