CRIME: While raping her, he broke 14 out of 24 ribs, and even scratched her private parts, even the doctor doing the postmortem of the Dalit girl started crying


Ayodhya .  Police on Monday arrested 3 people involved in the rape of a Dalit girl in Ayodhya. The rapists Digvijay Singh alias Baba, Hariram Kori and Vijay Sahu have confessed their crimes before the police.

The accused made such revelations that even the police were terrified of hearing them. Meanwhile, the post-mortem report of the victim has also come out, which is heart-wrenching.

Police sources say that the postmortem of the victim was done by a panel of 2 doctors. The cause of her death is said to be excessive bleeding. There were 30 small and big wounds on the girl's body. 14 out of 24 ribs of the victim on both sides are broken. The brutes had even scratched her private parts. The doctor says that more than two people have killed the girl. They have submitted the report to the police. The viscera report has been kept safe.

CRIME: He did all this while drunk

Digvijay Singh, the main accused in the incident, told the police that we ran after her and caught her in the field. We the head with a stick. We did not know when she died. Very late we understood that the girl was dead. We had behaved brutally with her for 1 hour.stuffed her dupatta in her mouth but she kept resisting. We were all drunk so in anger we hit her on