Indian Army Appraisal: How is appraisal done in Indian Army?


Indian Army Appraisal System: There are reports of changes in the promotion process of Indian Army officers. It has not been officially confirmed but there is a discussion that ACR can be given importance in this process. It is also important to know here that the promotion process in the Indian Navy and the Indian Army is completely different. The Indian Navy has recently changed its appraisal system, in which the opinion of junior officers and the entire team is included along with senior officers. In this, ACR works like the X factor. Let us know about the appraisal system of the Indian Army and what is the role of ACR in it.

Appraisal System of Indian Army

The evaluation of soldiers and officers in the Indian Army is a detailed and multi-faceted process that takes into consideration many factors. This process evaluates not only the performance of the soldiers but also their competence, leadership skills and overall contribution.

Annual Performance Report (APR)

This repor is the primary document of the soldier's performance. It includes evaluation of the soldier in several areas, such as...

-Military skills and knowledge

-Physical fitness

-Leadership ability



-Initiative and responsibility

-Cooperation and team spirit

-Communication skills

Additional assessment

Field exercises and maneuvers- The performance of soldiers in the battlefield also plays an important role in the evaluation.

Expert evaluation – In some cases, additional evaluations are conducted by experts, such as evaluation of medical personnel by medical officers.

Examinations- Specialty examinations are also required for some posts.

Promotion Board

A board of senior officers reviews all evaluation reports and determines the eligibility of soldiers for promotion. The board also considers other factors such as the soldiers' seniority, experience and their suitability for the post.

importance of evaluation

Soldiers who perform well receive promotions, awards and other benefits. Assessment helps identify the weaknesses of soldiers so that they can be improved through training and development. Assessment helps ensure that soldiers are placed in positions according to their ability and qualifications.

What is ACR?

Now let us tell you about ACR.. In the Indian Army, ACR means Annual Confidential Report. It is an important document used to evaluate the performance of soldiers and officers. This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the soldier's performance. This report also evaluates the soldier's ability, contribution and future prospects. The ACR is written by the soldier's senior officer, who has observed his performance throughout the year. The report is reviewed by a board of senior officers, who determine the soldier's eligibility for promotion and other important decisions.

begins on 1 April

The ACR cycle usually begins on April 1 and ends on March 31. During this period, the soldier's senior officers observe their performance and regularly report on their progress. At the end of the year, the senior officers fill up the ACR form and record their comments and recommendations. The ACR form is sent to the Board of Senior Officers through the concerned officers. The board reviews the report and takes promotion and other important decisions for the soldier.