Namo Drone Didi Scheme: Every month the Central Government gives 15 thousand rupees to women!


Many important schemes are being run by the Central Government for the welfare of the citizens. Today we are going to give you information about a scheme of the Central Government, through which women are given Rs 15000 and drones.

Today we are going to give you information about Namo Drone Didi Scheme, which was started in the year 2023. Women get promotion in the field of agriculture through this scheme. The aim of NaMo Drone Didi Scheme is to empower women by teaching them new techniques in the field of agriculture. Under this scheme of the Central Government, 15,000 drones will be given to women associated with self-help groups.

Women will also be provided training to fly drones. The women of the country will be given Rs 15,000 every month during training. Under the Namo Drone Didi scheme, the women of the country will be provided technical knowledge about flying drones as well.

PC: newindianexpress