New Criminal Laws: Three new criminal laws come into force from today, know what has changed in 10 points


New Criminal Laws: From today, the Indian Judicial Code, Indian Civil Protection Code and Indian Evidence Act have been implemented in place of the Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and Indian Evidence Act. Let us know what important changes have happened with the implementation of these laws?

New criminal laws.

Three new criminal laws have come into force across the country from Monday. With the implementation of these three new laws, many changes are expected in the criminal justice system of India. With this, three old laws of the colonial era have been abolished. From Monday, the Indian Judicial Code, Indian Civil Protection Code and Indian Evidence Act have come into force in place of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) and the Indian Evidence Act of 1872.

The new law will ensure a modern justice system. It includes provisions like Zero FIR, summons through electronic means like SMS, online registration of police complaints and mandatory videography of crime scenes for all heinous crimes. Official sources say that an attempt has been made to keep in mind the ideals enshrined in the Constitution while keeping in mind the current social realities and providing a mechanism to deal with them effectively.

Know the 10 main points which have changed

  1. The verdict in a criminal case should be pronounced within 45 days of the conclusion of the trial. There is a provision for framing of charges within 60 days of the first hearing. All state governments should implement witness protection schemes to ensure the safety and cooperation of witnesses.
  2. The statements of rape victims will be recorded by a female police officer in the presence of the victim's guardian or relative. The medical report should be completed within seven days.
  3. The new law has made stringent rules regarding crimes against women and children. Buying or selling a child is considered a heinous crime, for which severe punishment is provided. Gang rape of a minor can result in death penalty or life imprisonment.
  4. The law now provides for punishment in cases where women are abandoned after making false promises of marriage.
  5. In case of crime against women, it is necessary to get regular updates from the victims within 90 days and provide free first aid or medical treatment to the victims.
  6. Both the accused and the victim have the right to receive copies of the FIR, police report, charge sheet, statements, confessions and other documents within 14 days.
  7. Now incidents can be reported through electronic communication, eliminating the need to visit the police station. With the introduction of Zero FIR, a person can register an FIR in any police station, irrespective of its jurisdiction.
  8. The arrested person has the right to inform a person of his choice about his condition so that he can get immediate help. The details of the arrest will be prominently displayed in police stations and district headquarters so that family and friends can easily see it.
  9. Now for serious crimes it is mandatory for forensic experts to visit the scene of crime and collect evidence.
  10. The definition of “gender” now includes transgender people, which promotes equality. For certain crimes against women, the victim’s statement should be recorded by a female magistrate as far as possible. If not available, a male magistrate should record the statement in the presence of a woman. Rape-related statements should be recorded through audio-video medium, ensuring transparency and providing protection to the victim.