Story of underworld… Mumbai's most infamous criminal Samad Khan, whom Dawood used to tremble with, his hobby was to murder


Samad Khan started being called the most infamous criminal of Mumbai at the age of just 28. The price of one betel nut used to be between Rs 1.5 to Rs 2 lakh, which was considered a very high amount at that time. Samad was the most expensive shooter of his time.

Samad Khan and Dawood Ibrahim.

In those days the Bombay underworld was divided into two groups. On one side there was the Pathan Gang who used to smuggle illegal drugs on the Pakistan border and the other side D Company had captured the sea of ​​Gujarat for smuggling. At the age of just 28, Samad started being called the most infamous criminal of Mumbai. The price of one betel nut used to be between Rs 1.5 to Rs 2 lakh, which was considered a very high amount at that time. Samad was the most expensive shooter of his time.

Samad was given a contract by a person named Mr. Jain, who was then staying at Searock Hotel in Bandra, Mumbai. Searock is the same hotel where the 1993 Bombay blasts took place. Samad reached the hotel to kill that person, he went to the reception and asked about Jain's room number, and when the receptionist refused to give him the room number, he took out the gun from his pocket and placed it on the table. Seeing the gun, the receptionist immediately gave it the number in the register. After getting information about Mr. Jain's room, Samad left from there and started waiting for night.

At around noon in the night, Samad again reached the hotel with his friends. This time he went straight to the door of Mr. Jain's room through the corridor and knocked on it, as soon as Mr. Jain opened the door. Samad pushed straight into the room. Samad's friends started beating Jain, then after some time Samad stopped them and asked Jain to get naked. Jain had no option but to accept Samad's advice. After stripping, Samad made Mr. Jain dance to the Bollywood songs of that time and this game continued till morning. Then Samad killed Jain by strangulating him with his belt.

The next day, Samad read in the newspaper that the Jain whom he had murdered at night was an executive of a Texmaco company, whose full name was SK Jain, while he had taken the betel nut from a person named Ranveer Jain. Samad was going crazy with anger. This big mistake could have ended his fear in the underworld. Therefore, to complete his incomplete work, he again went to Searock Hotel and completed his incomplete work. This time he murdered Ranveer Jain only.

The one who saved his life by risking his life also betrayed him

It was August 1983, when Samad Khan was being presented in the court. But another team of police was waiting for Samad on the opposite road of the City Civil Court to arrest him in another case. Samad had come to know about this plan of the police. Samad made a plan with his girlfriend Shilpa Javeri. Shilpa Zaveri was a very good car driver. It was said that when Shilpa was driving, no one could come close to her. As soon as Shilpa saw that the policemen were bringing Samad out of the court, she moved her car at full speed towards the police team. When the police team saw that a vehicle was moving very fast towards them, they immediately ran towards the footpath to save their lives, but Samad Khan was standing alone on the road. While skitting, the car stopped very close to Samad and he immediately sat on the front seat of the car.

Before the police team could understand anything, Shilpa ran away with the car. Shilpa was so confident in her driving skills that she U-turned her car and waved at the police while passing in front of the police team again. The police team then chased her, but could not match Shilpa's driving skills. Samad was so impressed with Shilpa by this incident that he married her and both of them started living together. But Samad was not loyal to her and their relationship broke down.

Samad's court used to be held in jail

Was lodged in Mumbai Central Jail in 1983-84. He knew that Dawood had many men in jail, but still, he did not stop and started controlling the jail. He started getting everything in jail, be it TV, hot bathing water, or his favorite chicken biryani. Whatever he demanded, he got it all. Samad started running his extortion business from inside the jail itself. Used to hold his court in jail. Samad's freedom from jail depended only on the testimony of two eyewitnesses, whom Samad had called into jail through his power.

Samad was accused of the murder of passport agent Raja Singh Thakur. There were two eyewitnesses named Ghulam Hussain and Nasir Hussain in this murder case. When both of them were brought to Samad's court in jail, he first took off their clothes and made them naked and called the jail barber and shaved their hair, beard, mustache, and eyebrows. After this, Samad threatened both of them and said that if they both testified against him in court, then next time the razor would be on their neck instead of their head. As Samad wanted, both the witnesses never reached the court and he was acquitted based on lack of evidence. Despite this, Samad was arrested twice under the NSA i.e. National Security Act, but through his connections, he was acquitted of these also. This was not the first time for Samad Khan to escape from the law in this way. No matter how much the police made the case strong, collected evidence and brought witnesses, he was always one step ahead of them and escaped.

The victim did not even file a rape case due to fear

Samad Khan often visited a dance bar named Sonia Mahal, which was the first dance bar in Bombay. He used to make a bet with his friend Anjum Pahalwan as to which girl from the dance bar he was going to spend the night with. In this game of bets, one day Samad placed a bet on a girl from the dance bar, who was the daughter of someone working in the Railways and used to work there for a little extra money. One day when this game became unbearable for Samad, he suddenly got up from his chair and picked up the girl from the middle of the stage and took her to the bar in front of everyone. Everyone just kept watching, no one dared to stop Samad. Samad took the girl to one of his girlfriend's flats in Versova and raped her there. His friend Anjum was guarding the door of the flat, then after a few hours Samad came out and both of them left the girl in that flat. On the other hand, when the girl's father did not reach home and asked the bar staff about his daughter, they told him about Samad.

The crying father immediately reached the nearest police station which coincidentally was Colaba Police Station. Inspector Isaak Bagwan was on night duty at the police station and knew Samad Khan very well. As soon as Isaac Bagwan heard about Samad, he immediately stood up, because he knew very well where he would find Samad at this time. Isaac reached the flat with his team, where they found the girl crying in a corner of the room. The police immediately sent the girl for medical examination and arrested Samad and his associate Anjum. Samad also did not protest against his arrest and surrendered, because he knew very well that the police and the law would not be able to keep him in jail for more than a few days. Then the same thing happened, as Samad always did. The girl and her father refused to give any statement nor lodge any complaint. Samad was now free again. No law could keep this Pathan in jail.

Image- Tv9