10 months of planning! This is how Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran planned to attack Israel


Iran is being held responsible for more than a thousand deaths in Israel. Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian met Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon. He also met Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. After this, Hamas fired thousands of rockets at Israel, in which hundreds of people died.

New information is coming out one after the other regarding the attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip. Now news is coming that Iran had a big hand in this attack and was a part of this plan. While giving information on an Israeli website, foreign affairs expert and political analyst journalist Shirit Avitan Cohen said that Iran is responsible for more than a thousand deaths and thousands of injuries in Israel.

He said that according to intelligence sources, the information about the attack on Israel was kept hidden from everyone, but the plan was prepared in secret tripartite meetings in Beirut in about ten months. This included members of Hamas, Hezbollah, and senior Iranians. Some of these meetings were reported in the international media and also in Israel, but they were not given special attention.

Meeting held in Lebanon

The most recent reports said the last meeting took place in Beirut on October 1, just six days before the deadly attack, while the second meeting took place in early April. According to reports, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian arrived in Lebanon ten days before the attack for a meeting with Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah and also met with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. At the same closed-door meeting, it was reported that they “approved Tehran's commitment to the issue of supporting and opposing the Palestinian people and the strategy of liberating the land (Israel).”

Another meeting took place in early April, when the leaders of the armed movements, Hezbollah and Hamas, met in Beirut to discuss and “prepare an axis of resistance” against Israel. However, Israel made a mistake in believing that Hezbollah was still afraid and that Hamas wanted to act as a legitimate governing entity and not a terrorist organization.

From the beginning, Israeli intelligence and military have talked about a “multi-theater war” scenario, in which a simultaneous attack against Israel would be launched from Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria, possibly including Israel's Arab citizens. This scenario made headlines in April–May when violent activity against Israel and a joint attack was carried out during Ramadan and around Jerusalem Day events. There were several attacks against Israelis during these months, but the threat of this scenario never materialized.

Information about the attack was given at the last moment

Senior Hamas official Ali Baraka said that the terrorist organization had been secretly planning an attack on southern Israel for two years. Baraka said, “It was kept completely secret. A limited number of Hamas leaders knew about it. “Those who knew about the attack and its timing can be counted on fingers.” He said that Israelis are known for loving life. On the other hand, we make sacrifices. We consider our dead as martyrs. What every Palestinian wants most is to be martyred in the name of Allah to protect his land.

The Hamas official said, “Our allies are those who support us with weapons and money. First of all, it is Iran that gives us money and weapons. There is also Hezbollah and Arab and Islamic people who are on our side. Russia is happy that America is entangled in Palestine. This relieves pressure on the Russians in Ukraine. One war relieves the pressure of another war. So we are not alone on the battlefield.”