China cannot be America's friend, 81 percent of Americans say in a Pew Research survey


The American organization Pew Research Opinion has revealed that most Americans consider China as their enemy. In the report, Americans have also expressed their opinion on the ongoing border dispute with China's neighboring countries.

China's President Jinping and America's President Joe Biden.

China can never be America's friend, 81 percent of Americans have said this in a survey, the special thing is that 43 percent of these Americans consider China as their enemy. Apart from this, 71 percent of Americans are worried about the growing influence of China. In the survey, US people have also given a negative rating to Chinese President Xi Jinping.

This has been revealed in the Pew Research Opinion of the American organization. In the report, Americans have also expressed their opinion on the ongoing border dispute with China's neighboring countries. It was revealed that 61 percent of people are worried about the ongoing border disputes between various countries with China.

Americans consider China a competitor

When it comes to China's relations with the United States, only 6 percent of people view China as a partner, while nearly 50 percent view China as a competitor. 42 percent of Americans believe that China is their enemy. The special thing is that at least half of Americans feel that limiting China's influence should be a priority of American foreign policy.

More people consider China an enemy

The share of conservative Republicans who have very unfavorable views of China, who view China as an enemy of the United States, and who think that China's influence in the world has been growing stronger in recent years is particularly high. This survey was conducted between April 1 and 7 this year. Which opinion about China were taken from 3600 American adults? The special thing is that in this survey the number of people considering China as their enemy is high.

This is what Republicans think about China

83% of conservative Republicans say China's influence in the world has been strengthening in recent years, while 68% of liberal and moderate Republicans say the same. Conservative Democrats (67%) and liberal Democrats (69%) also have approximately the same opinion.

Image- Tv9