China is shocked by the death of its people in Pakistan, 4000 soldiers are still killing Chinese citizens


China is stunned by the death of its citizens in Pakistan. Pakistan is being continuously warned by the Chinese government. China is most angry about the attacks taking place in Gwadar and its surrounding areas, in which the Baloch Liberation Army is selectively targeting Chinese citizens. If we talk about the last three years alone, about 28 Chinese citizens have died in different attacks in Balochistan. These attacks took place when Pakistan formed a special unit for the protection of Chinese citizens, which had more than four thousand soldiers.

Once again Chinese citizens were targeted in Pakistan. A suicide bomber carrying a car filled with explosives hit the vehicle of Chinese citizens in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Six people died in the attack, of which five were Chinese citizens. This attack took place when Chinese citizens were going to the Dasu Hydro Power Plant in Gwadar. When China expressed its displeasure after this attack, the Pakistani government was shocked. Home Minister Mohsin Naqvi reached the Chinese Embassy immediately after the attack and met Ambassador Jiang Zedong. President Asif Ali Zardari also strongly condemned the attack, calling it a conspiracy to damage Pakistan-China friendship.

If we look at the different attacks carried out by the Baloch Liberation Army in Pakistan so far, more than 28 Chinese citizens have lost their lives in Pakistan. Earlier in August, a convoy going to Gwadar was also attacked in which 4 Chinese citizens were killed. Before that, 1 doctor was killed in September 2022, 4 Chinese professors in April 2022 and 9 Chinese engineers were killed together in July 2021. Even before this, 3 Chinese citizens had died in a bomb blast in Karachi. Around 28 Chinese citizens have died so far, including bomb blasts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, attacks in Dalbandin, and attacks on the Chinese Consulate and Quetta.

The targeting of Chinese citizens in Pakistan started in 2007 when three Chinese citizens were killed simultaneously. This was the period when talks had started between Pakistan and China regarding CPEC i.e. China Pakistan Economic Corridor. All the Chinese citizens killed in different attacks were part of projects related to this corridor. Recently, Nikkei Asia, a Japanese media organization, had written a report on this, in which it was told that the Balochistan Liberation Army and other organizations feel that the area is being harmed because of the citizens of China. They argue that natural resources are being exploited in the name of corridor projects and development is not taking place accordingly.

China said- there is a need to tighten security in Pakistan

On the attack on Chinese civilians, Qian Feng, director of the Research Department of the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University, has said that this attack is like a warning to Pakistan, it shows that Pakistan still needs to do a lot of work in the security sector. In an article published in Global Times, he described this attack as a copy of the attack which was carried out in 2021, in which 9 Chinese citizens were killed. It has also been said in this article that such attacks show that terrorist forces do not want to see the success of the economic corridor of China and Pakistan and are continuously conspiring to fail it.

After the attack, the vehicle on which Chinese citizens were travelling fell into the ditch.

These attacks are a problem for China

These attacks on Chinese citizens are a big problem for the Chinese government. China's CPEC proposed in Pakistan is a plan of about 60 billion dollars, on which China has spent a large part. Many projects of this corridor are running in Balochistan province, where the Baloch Liberation Army is effective and has continuously raised the flag of freedom. China's problems have also increased because Tehreel-e-Taliban Pakistan has also joined hands with the Liberation Army.

China is putting the responsibility on Pakistan

China holds Pakistan responsible for the attacks on Chinese citizens in Pakistan. That is why a special protection unit has been formed by Pakistan for the protection of Chinese citizens. It is said that there are more than 4 thousand soldiers in it who are responsible for the security of thousands of Chinese citizens. These are those Chinese citizens who are working on CPEC-related projects. Earlier, China had asked its citizens living in Pakistan to remain alert, the Shahbaz government had also appealed to the Chinese citizens to keep their businesses closed for a few days.

What is the Baloch Liberation Army?

The people of Balochistan do not consider themselves a part of Pakistan since the time of independence. This is the reason why people living in Balochistan are constantly treated with second-class treatment. That is why his anger continued to increase. The Baloch Liberation Army first came into effect in 1970 when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was ruling Pakistan. After this, this protest continued to increase. However, the foundation of the Baloch Liberation Army is believed to be behind the hand grenade explosion that took place in Zulfikar's meeting, in which a young man named Majeed Lango was killed.