Deadly Virus: A virus made in a Chinese lab that can kill in 3 days, will it cause devastation like Corona again?


Scientists in a lab in China have created a virus that can prove fatal in just three days. Scientists say that this study will help in understanding the Ebola virus better.

Scientists in a lab in China have created a virus that can prove fatal in just three days. In this study conducted at Hebei Medical University, an artificial virus has been created by imitating the Ebola virus. Scientists say that this study will help in understanding the Ebola virus better. However, questions are also being raised on the benefits and dangers of such experiments. This research has been published in a journal named 'Science Direct'.

In the study, scientists used vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). They modified this virus in such a way that the glycoprotein (GP) of the Ebola virus was added to it. This protein plays an important role in the Ebola virus entering the body's cells and infecting them. Scientists tested this artificial virus on Syrian mice. These included five female and five male mice.

Test results showed that

after being injected with the virus, the mice developed severe symptoms that were similar to those seen in humans with Ebola. These symptoms included the disease spreading throughout the body and multiple organ failure. As a result, all the mice died within three days. Some mice also had watery eyes, which led to poor vision. These symptoms are related to the optic nerve disorder seen in patients with Ebola virus disease (EVD).

Medicines and vaccines

Although scientists say that this study can help make medicines and vaccines in the future to fight the Ebola virus, concerns are being raised about the safety of such research. The coronavirus epidemic is not completely over yet and such news can increase people's anxiety. Experts say that strict security measures are needed to prevent this new virus from getting out of the laboratory. At the same time, some experts are also raising the question of whether there was a need to create a dangerous virus like Ebola. Now it has to be seen how carefully China takes forward the research related to this artificial virus. At the same time, the world also hopes that history does not repeat itself and that no other global epidemic like coronavirus comes to the fore.