From Saudi to Qatar…Gulf countries trapped in such a net cannot do anything to Israel even if they want to!


The US, which is called the world's superpower, has its army present in every continent of the world. The US uses its military bases spread all over the world to deal with enemies sitting anywhere in the world and to help its allies. In recent years, the US has increased its military presence in the Middle East as well as South Asia. At present, the US has about 750 military bases in 80 countries, out of these countries, the highest number of 120 military bases are in Japan.

These US military bases are playing an important role in the increased tension in the Middle East and have become a shield for Israel's security. America has spread such a network of military bases in the entire Middle East that even if Arab countries want to, they are unable to break this network. Recently, in his speech at the United Nations, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also said that every corner of Iran, even the entire Middle East is within our reach.

America has military bases in about 19 countries in the Middle East, the major ones of which are in Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.

Apart from this, America also has military bases in Turkey and Djibouti. These countries do not fall completely in the Middle East but keeping the army in these countries strategically helps in keeping an eye on the entire Middle East. Benjamin Netanyahu recently said in the United Nations General Assembly that there is no place in Iran where our weapons cannot reach. This statement of the Israeli PM seems to indicate that he has relied on the American military bases.

US military bases in the Gulf countries began in the 1940s when, after World War II, the US, along with Britain, decided to increase its presence in the region.

However, the US established its first permanent base in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) in 1951. This base was established after the Korean War and to date it remains a symbol of the deep military and political relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia. Today, the major US bases in Saudi include Al-Udeid Air Base and Prince Sultan Air Base.

Why did America build military bases in the Middle East?

Experts believe that there are economic reasons behind every step. Keeping the US army in the Middle East also gives it a huge economic and security advantage.

Oil Reserves- The Middle East is the region with the largest oil reserves in the world. Oil is an important energy source for all countries including the US. The US tries to protect its oil interests through its military presence in this region.

Support for Israel- Israel is a special ally of the US in the Middle East and both have strong political and military ties. Israel is a Jewish country surrounded by Muslim countries on all sides and due to the occupation of Palestinian land, these countries have been clashing with Israel.

Terrorism and Iran's growing influence- One of the major reasons for the US military's presence in the Middle East countries is Iran and regional militias who want to establish radical Islamic rule in the Middle East. Sunni countries consider Iran's Shia ideology a threat to their existence and expect help from the US for protection from Iran.

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America also considers Iran a big threat to itself, because after the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran has refused to follow the American line and has presented itself as a major power in the region.

Why did Arab countries give land to America for military bases?

Most Arab countries consider the presence of the US military to be essential for the stability of their country. In return for establishing its military base, the US gives these countries a guarantee of security from external threats and many strategic benefits at the international level. Along with this, huge military and economic aid is also given to poor countries.

Legacy of the Cold War- During the years-long Cold War, many Arab countries came together with the US to escape the influence of the USSR. This alliance continues even after the Cold War. Apart from this, Saudi and UAE are also showing dependence on the US Army due to the increasing threats from Iran.

Israel is getting huge benefit from military bases

Israel is getting a big advantage by having such a large number of military bases all around the Middle East. Despite the inhumane actions in Gaza and Lebanon, no country is able to muster the courage to take military action against it. Even Iran has been able to give threats so far, but it has not been able to muster the courage to directly jump into this war.

While the Al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar is America's largest military base, America's Fifth Fleet is stationed in Bahrain. Which is enough to keep a check on Iran and launch an all-out attack at any time. At the same time, America's bases in Djibouti are playing an important role in taking action against the Houthis in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea and destroying their missiles.

At the same time, the US also has bases in Jordan, Syria and Iraq to protect Israel from Hezbollah and Iraqi militia and attack their bases. Under the pretext of security to Arab countries, the US has surrounded the entire Middle East in such a way that no country is able to harm Israel even if it wants to.

American bases are becoming a political issue in Arab countries

The presence of these military bases has also become a big issue in local politics. There are many Arab countries where the growing sentiments and concern against America among the public has become a headache for the governments there. They are pressuring the governments to withdraw the foreign army, many protests have also been seen against it in Iraq and Jordan. Despite all this, America is maintaining its military presence in the Middle East and its strategic position in the region and is fulfilling its goals.