If you are a girl, speak less… The oppression of women in Afghanistan has crossed all limits, now there is a ban on even speaking among themselves.


You must have felt very strange and awkward after hearing the above lines. You must have also felt that today in the year 2024, women are going to the moon, making their mark, and are not behind in anything. Today their voice is so loud that they are leading different fields all over the world. In such a time, why is someone using the words "you are a girl, speak slowly"?

As much as the answer to this question has compelled me to write this, it will compel you to think that women are not free in every country. There are women who cannot go out of the house alone even when they are hungry, and who cannot acquire higher education despite being very intelligent. Yes, in 2024, where women are writing stories of freedom, there are some women who do not even have the freedom to dream of freedom.

situation in Afghanistan

Ever since the Taliban took over Afghanistan, a country located 3 thousand 196 kilometers away from India, many restrictions have been imposed on women. There are restrictions on everything from their clothes to their voice. According to the ban imposed till now, women of Afghanistan cannot talk loudly in public. They were allowed to speak so softly that no man could hear them, but now women of Afghanistan are allowed to speak so softly that no woman can hear them.

no freedom of speech

In Afghanistan, this order has been issued by Mohammad Khalid Hanafi, the Taliban's minister for the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice. Hanafi stressed that women should avoid reading the Quran with other women, so that other women do not hear their voice. The minister said, "If a woman is praying and reading the Quran and another woman passes by, then she should lower her voice so much that other women cannot hear her voice.

Women cannot sing songs

Minister Hanafi also said, “When women are not allowed to recite Takbir (prayer prayer) or give Azan, they certainly cannot sing songs or listen to any kind of music.

Before this ban, another law regarding women came out in the month of August, under which women are required to cover their bodies completely and cover their faces in public. Also, women are not allowed to talk loudly in public.

Friendship with the other gender is a big crime

It is very natural that you would have had friends from school to college, among them there would be both male and female friends, but in Afghanistan, it is considered a big crime for any woman to befriend a person of the other gender, for which strict punishment is given.

Afghanistan recently passed a law which included 35 articles. Under this law, women are not even allowed to look at strangers. Also, this law is not only for women but also for men. Men have been ordered to keep long beards and wear loose clothes.

Under Article 13

1- Women have to completely cover their bodies in public.

2- You must cover your face completely.

3- You should wear clothes which are not too tight or short.

4- Singing songs or reading anything loudly is also not allowed.

5- No stranger is allowed to see the women, and even men are not allowed to do so.

Apart from this, under Article 19, women are not even allowed to leave the house alone. This is probably the reason that when women are told to speak softly, they are screaming for their freedom from within.