Iran: Acting President Mokhbar already expressed his intentions in his address


Regarding the country's economy, Mokhbar claimed that despite Iran's military action against Iraq, Israel, and Pakistan in recent months, there has been no impact on Iran's economy. The country's economy remained stable. Mokhbar said that we attacked Israel. Meanwhile, people found that the figures and indices are the same, the value of hard currency is the same, inflation is the same, and the market is full of people's needs. There has been no change of any kind in this.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and others died in a helicopter crash last week. Due to which the people of Iran have got a big shock. During this period, Mohammad Mokhbar has been made the acting President of Iran. After becoming President, Mokhbar gave his first public speech on Monday 27 May, and addressed the new Parliament of the country.

Acting President Mokhbar appeared quite aggressive in his very first address. On one hand, he talked about the presidential elections in the country, and on the other hand, he also mentioned attacks by Iran on other countries. In his address, Mokhbar praised the late President Raisi.

'Attacks do not affect Iran's economy'

Along with this, Mokhbar claimed about the country's economy that despite Iran taking military action against Iraq, Israel, and Pakistan in recent months, it has had no impact on Iran's economy. The country's economy remained stable. Mokhbar said that we attacked Israel. Meanwhile, people found that the figures and indices are the same, the value of hard currency is the same, inflation is the same, and the market is full of people's needs. There has been no change of any kind in this. Earlier on Sunday, Oil Minister Javad Ovji said that despite Western sanctions targeting the Islamic Republic, Iran is now exporting about 2 million barrels a day.

‘Iranian Rial 580,000 to 1 dollar’

Mokhbar said the Iranian rial had fallen from 32,000 rials to $1 at the time of Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. But today it is around 580,000 to $1 in the wake of America's unilateral withdrawal from the agreement and a series of attacks on shipping in the Middle East.

Presidential elections are to be held in Iran

Preparations are being made for presidential elections in Iran after the death of President Raisi. Parliament is expected to elect its new speaker on Tuesday. In such a situation, this address of the acting President is a big message not only for the country but also for the countries which he attacked. In his address, he has also given a clear message to Pakistan, Israel, and Iraq amid the preparations for the elections in the country.