Israel's real 'Gaza Plan' revealed, it will take action against millions of people


Israel will shift about 23 lakh people of Gaza to Egypt, and for this Israel has prepared the 'Gaza Plan'. According to the plan, Israel, along with its allied countries, will build a modern tent city in the Sinai desert which will be equipped with every facility. This plan of Israel will improve the miserable life of the people of Gaza and will also improve the economy of Egypt.

Amidst the ongoing air strikes on Gaza, a document has emerged from Tel Aviv which has exposed Israel's 'Gaza Plan'. In a document prepared by a senior leader of Israel's ruling party, there is a plan to shift about 23 lakh people from Gaza to Egypt. TV9 has a copy of this document. Amir Weitmann, a senior leader of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party, has put this entire plan before the government. In this document, countless benefits have been enumerated for Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Europe, and millions of people of Gaza by shifting all the people from Gaza to Egypt.

Under the Gaza plan, about 23 lakh people from the Gaza Strip will have to go to Egypt via the Rafah crossing. The Israeli government, along with its allies, and Western countries, will build ten modern tent cities in Egypt's Sinai Desert for all the people of Gaza. Which will have all the modern facilities. The ten cities to be built specifically for the people of Gaza will cost around five to eight billion dollars. It has been claimed in the document that this will provide freedom to the people of Gaza from their current miserable life. They will be able to escape from the oppression of Hamas and live a better life in the open spaces.

Egypt and Saudi Arabia will also benefit

It has been said in the document of the ‘Gaza Plan’ that Egypt will benefit a lot by settling the people of the Gaza Strip in its desert. At present, more than 9 million Palestinian refugees are already living in Egypt. If Egypt gives shelter to about 23 lakh people, then in return they will be given a lot of help in handling Egypt's crumbling economy. In exchange for the deserted land, Egypt will get a lot of investment from Israel and Western countries. The biggest relief for Saudi Arabia will be that Iran will not be able to use the people of the Gaza Strip for its regional politics.

Europe and America also fight each other

Even before the Syria and Ukraine crises, Europe was already flooded with refugees. If the Israel-Hamas war continues, tension will increase in the Middle East and its direct effect will be seen in the form of a large number of refugees arriving in Europe. According to the Gaza Plan, resettling the people of the Gaza Strip in Egypt will save Europe from a major migration crisis. It will also provide relief from the additional burden of resources on European countries regarding refugees. This will be a profitable deal in every way for America, Israel's biggest supporter. America's credibility will increase in the Middle East. This will help in ending the growing hatred against America in the Middle East countries. This will prove effective in winning America's war against terror.

Israel's dream will be fulfilled with the 'Gaza Plan'

The attack by Hamas on October 7 has exposed all the security arrangements made by Israel regarding the Gaza Strip. Israel has spent billions of dollars so far in the name of security for the people of Gaza. Israel will have to continue spending a large portion of its economy in the ongoing war with Hamas and for its security in the future. There is a possibility that more Israeli people may be killed in attacks from Gaza in the coming times. In such a situation, if Israel's Gaza plan is successful then the people of the Gaza Strip will stay away from the Israeli border. Israel will get new land in the form of the Gaza Strip. Israeli people will be able to settle there. Israel's security will also be strengthened and the conflict between Israel and Palestine will also end. In return for all this, Israel will have to spend to resettle the people of the Gaza Strip in Egypt, which is not even two percent of Israel's GDP.