Jihadis wreak havoc in Mali, 20 civilians shot dead


Abu Huzefa Sahel, a senior Islamic State commander in Mali, was killed by soldiers from Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. There was an American reward of 5 million dollars on him. Abu Huzefa Sahel's name was linked to several high-profile raids.

symbolic picture

Suspected jihadists killed at least 20 civilians in the African country Mali. This is the latest attack in the violence-hit area. Jihadis fired on villagers from three kilometers away from Dialasagou. Village residents said that 20 people have died in the firing, while 21 are injured. A police source and a regional official confirmed the attack and put the death toll at 20, blaming “terrorists” and “armed people”.

More than 20 civilians were killed in an attack in central Mali on Saturday, a local official said Sunday. The attack targeted a village in the Bankas circle in the Mopti region, one of several in Mali's north and center. Where jihadi groups associated with Al Qaeda and Islamic State have been waging an insurgency since 2012.

Bancas Mayor Maule Guindo said that unknown armed assailants attacked villagers who were going to work in their fields. He said that yesterday we counted 19 deaths, but today it is more than 20.

Rebellion in Mali since 2012
Mali's rebellion took root during the 2012 Tuareg rebellion which has since spread north into the Sahel and West African coastal countries. The jihadists gained ground despite costly foreign military efforts to push them back. Killing thousands of people and displacing millions in the process as they attack towns, villages and military bases. The failure of authorities to protect civilians has led to two coups in Mali since 2020.

Islamic commander killed
Earlier, Abu Huzefa Sahel, a senior commander of Islamic State in Mali, was killed by soldiers of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. There was an American reward of 5 million dollars on him. Abu Huzefa was linked to several high-profile raids in the Sahel. This also includes the 2017 attack in which four American soldiers and several Nigerien soldiers were killed.

Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger all suffer constant attacks from jihadist fighters. All three countries are under military rule and are developing closer ties with Russia while breaking ties with Western allies, including the US. They are welcoming Russian military help while forcing the troops of other countries to leave.