Pakistan admitted its mistake and made a significant confession about PoK in its own court


India considers Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK) as its integral part. Now Pakistan has also refused to accept it as its part. A Pakistani government lawyer has said in the Islamabad High Court that PoK is a foreign territory.

Pakistan's Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif

Now Pakistan itself has accepted that PoK is not a part of it. In the High Court of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, the government lawyer claimed that PoK is a foreign territory. The Pakistani government lawyer made this claim during the hearing of the missing case of Ahmed Farhadj, a poet from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.

Ahmed Farhad was imprisoned in PoK jail in a case. After this, his family and human rights organizations filed a case in Islamabad High Court. A petition was filed in the court by the government to end this case, on which the High Court Justice said that the case would be heard after presenting Ahmed Farhad, who is imprisoned in PoK. On this demand of the judge, the government lawyer made a shocking claim.

PoK is a liberated territory

When the judge asked to present poet Ahmed Farhad in the court, the government lawyer argued that he could not be presented before the Islamabad court because he was imprisoned in Azad Kashmir that is not ours but a foreign territory. Ahmed Farhad's family says that they went to meet Farhad in PoK jail but they did not find him there. After which they knocked on the door of Islamabad court.

The court was surprised by the lawyer's answer

The judge was surprised by this answer of the government lawyer and he asked that if Kashmir is an independent area then why did the Pakistani army and police go there? Let us tell you that India considers PoK as its part, while in Pakistan it is called Azad Kashmir, but the administration there is handled by Pakistan. India calls it PoK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir), while many countries of the world call it PAK (Pakistan Administered Kashmir).