The condition of Muslims in China is extremely bad, will it become like 1975?


Many restrictions have been imposed on Muslims in China, which also affect their daily lives. A Muslim leader even said that religion is dying in China. At the same time, he lamented the restrictions imposed by the Chinese government on religious activities. Looking at the condition of Muslims in China, it seems that their condition may become like what it was in 1975.

Chinese President Xi Jinping

The condition of Muslims in China is bad, this is true and is not hidden from anyone. Xi Jinping's country does not understand the feelings of Muslims, which is why the condition of Muslims there is bad. There is a large number of Uighur Muslims in China. They especially live in Xinjiang. Britain's Sky News published a report on China's increasing control over Islamic practices within the country in a recent investigation. The report mentions increasing restrictions on Muslims. A Muslim leader said religion is dying in China. At the same time, he lamented the restrictions imposed by the Chinese government on religious activities.

Demolition of mosques: Many mosques have been demolished, particularly those that do not conform to the government's architectural standards or are deemed too conspicuous.

Restrictions on religious dress: Traditional Islamic dress, such as headscarves and long beards, have been banned in some areas.

Censorship of Islamic texts: The government has also censored Islamic texts, removing any content that could be deemed to promote extremism or dissent. This includes altering the Quran and other religious literature to suit the state's narrative.

The report highlights surveillance networks that monitor Muslim communities. High-tech surveillance systems, including facial recognition cameras, are prevalent in regions such as Xinjiang, which is home to a significant Uighur Muslim population. These systems monitor the movements and behaviors of individuals, ensuring strict compliance with government regulations.

Impact on everyday life: The restrictions placed on Muslims also affect their everyday lives. Religious education for children is heavily regulated. Many religious schools have been closed.

The international community has expressed concern over China's treatment of the Muslim population. Human rights organizations have condemned the action and demanded more transparency and respect for religious freedom. However, the Chinese government says that these measures are necessary to deal with extremism and ensure national security.

The situation may become like 1975

Looking at all these restrictions, it seems that the condition of Muslims in China may become like 1975. In fact, on 29 July 1975, the Chinese army entered Shadian in Yunnan province and created a massacre for a week. Reports suggest that the Red Army guards created a lot of ruckus in Shadian. They vandalized mosques and even made garlands of pig bones and severed heads and forcibly made the people of the community wear them. It is said that 1500 to 2000 Muslims were killed in this entire incident.