This Muslim country was selling weapons to Israel, when the public found out there was an uproar


#ErdoganArmsIsrael has been trending on social media site X for the last two days. Serious allegations have been made against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, considered the messiah of Palestine and the Muslim world. A Turkish trade report revealed that Turkey had sold weapons to Israel during the war. Media outlet 'The Cradle', citing a report by 'Trending Economics', wrote that in January the country allowed Israel to export precious metals, chemicals, pesticides, nuclear reactor parts, gunpowder, explosives, aircraft parts, weapons and ammunition. Including exported goods worth about 319 million dollars.

According to 'Karar Daily', this trade has been done by companies associated with Turkey's Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association (MUSIAD), which is known to support President Erdoğan in the country. After this report came out, there was an outcry against the Turkish President on social media. Palestine supporters have termed arms trade with Israel as 'stabbing the Palestinians in the back'. People have expressed anger against Turkey and Erdoğan on social media.

Türkiye gave clarification

After the matter gained momentum, Turkey had to clarify. Turkey's Defense Ministry said in a statement, “Turkey has always been a supporter of Palestine. “It can never happen that Turkey is involved in any activity that could be used against Palestine.” The statement further said that the Defense Ministry has not made any deal with Israel related to military training and the defense industry.

“Something else was exported in the name of weapons”

“The products in Chapter 93 of the alleged export report are not combat arms and ammunition, but ungrooved rifle spare parts, accessories and fishing products used for personal purposes such as sports and hunting,” TCDCCD wrote on Twitter. .”

Oykum Huma Keskin, fact checker at Tayit Hakkında, one of Turkey's main independent fact-checking outlets, said claims that the export data report is false are false. He said, “When we investigated this report, we found out that ‘gunpowder and explosives’ have been exported to Israel in the first three months of 2024.