What does the Taliban want from the new government of Pakistan?


After the formation of the new government in Pakistan, Afghanistan has taken the initiative to improve relations with the neighbouring country. According to reports, the Taliban has said that improving relations with Pakistan is important for both countries. Afghan government spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid has appealed to the new government of Pakistan to show leniency on the deportation of Afghan refugees. Zabiullah Mujahid said in his statement that ever since the formation of the Taliban government in the Islamic Emirate, he has tried to build good relations with all its neighbours including Pakistan.

He further said, “Afghanistan also needs good relations with Pakistan, we want Pakistan to make good progress with Afghanistan in various fields and the new government should take steps to solve all the problems related to us.”

After the formation of the Taliban government, it was expected that relations between the two Muslim countries would remain good. But this did not happen, last year the caretaker government led by Anwar-ul-Haq Kakkar announced the expulsion of 1.1 million Afghans living illegally in Pakistan, after which tension arose between the Taliban and the Pakistan government. Apart from this, Pakistan has held organizations associated with the Afghan Taliban responsible for many of the blasts taking place there.

Afghanistan's acting Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund has also appealed to end the cruel attitude of Pakistan authorities towards refugees. On sending back refugees, he said, “Such actions have created more problems instead of finding solutions to the issues.

After the ouster of Imran Khan from power, Afghanistan's relations with the caretaker government of Pakistan have continuously deteriorated. Now Taliban is trying to improve relations with the new government of Pakistan. Recently, Afghan Foreign Minister Aamir Khan met with Indian officials in Kabul and discussed diplomatic relations. China has already established its relations with the Taliban government.