Why are Muslim leaders angry with Joe Biden? Kept distance from White House iftar party


Iftar, which is held every year at the White House, is not happening this time. The reason for the cancellation of Iftar is said to be America's role in the Gaza war. According to sources, many American Muslims have rejected the White House's invitation to Iftar in protest against President Biden's support for Israel. After which the White House administration had to cancel Iftar. America has been helping Israel since the beginning of the Gaza war and even the resolution to be passed in the UN regarding ceasefire was stopped twice by vetoing it.

Edward Ahmed Mitchell, deputy director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said that the iftar was cancelled because many people decided not to attend, including those who were initially scheduled to attend the iftar. Were ready to come.

Mitchell told Al Jazeera, “The American Muslim community has long said that it cannot breakfast with the same White House that is enabling the Israeli government to starve Palestinians in Gaza.”

Both CNN and NPR reported on Monday that the White House was preparing a small community iftar. But a few hours later, the White House announced that it would host Iftar only for Muslim government employees and some Muslims would also attend the staff.

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Rejecting the Iftar invitation shows America's opposition to unconditional support for Israel. Anger is increasing among American Arab and Muslim communities regarding Biden's stand on Gaza. Critics have warned that this resentment could prove costly for Biden during the November presidential election.

Let us tell you that the Biden administration has been organizing an Iftar party every year in Ramadan, in which many big Muslim faces of America participate. But America's Muslim community is very angry with Biden in protest against the Gaza war.