Why did China-Japan-South Korea come on one platform? US tension may increase


An important meeting has taken place between the top leadership of China, Japan, and South Korea. The meeting of these leaders held in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is being called a summit. What topics were discussed during this meeting and why this may increase America's concerns?

The top leadership of China, Japan, and South Korea

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, South Korean President Yun Suk Yeol, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met today. After four years, the leaders of China, Japan, and South Korea came together on the stage today. A meeting was held between the three in the capital Seoul where emphasis was laid on improving relations given trade and security amid the global crisis.

According to media reports, efforts have been made to create consensus in a total of 6 areas. Meetings have been held in all three countries on issues ranging from economy-trade, science and technology, people-to-people dialogue, and health to the large aging population in these countries. An attempt has also been made to issue a joint statement in this regard.

Will there be a talk on FTA?

Till now, everything was considered normal news, but the claim of Japanese media that a free trade agreement could be agreed between the three countries was shocking for many people. Talks between these countries have been stuck on this issue since 2019.

Relations between China, Japan, and South Korea have been strained, but in the last few years, efforts have been made to melt the ice in relations by holding meetings and talks one after the other. In this regard, the three countries have held 16 rounds of talks, the aim of which is to finalize the free trade agreement started in 2012.

Is America in tension?

Japan and South Korea are America's allies. Amidst the increasing tension between America and China, the sitting of these two countries with China may increase America's concern. Especially when there is a standoff between Beijing and Washington on the question of Taiwan's existence. China is not ready to back down from its claim on Taiwan. At the same time, America's announcement regarding Taiwan's autonomy will not make any country in this region want to increase its closeness with China.

But circumstances are changing. Before the trilateral talks between China, Japan, and South Korea on Monday, bilateral talks were also held between these countries. In this conversation, it was agreed to establish diplomatic and security dialogue between South Korea and China and to resume talks of a free trade agreement. Similarly, talks were also held between China and Japan on the issue of Taiwan.

Where did the talk about North Korea come from?

South Korea urged China to play a constructive role regarding North Korea. North Korea has been accused of violating UN Security Council resolutions and wildly expanding its nuclear and missile capabilities. North Korea's neighbors, especially countries like South Korea, have been very worried about this. North Korea was also mentioned in the talks held in Seoul.