Alum For Health: Alum has many medicinal properties which will surprise you, know here...


Benefits of Alum: Alum is used in all of our homes. Most men use it after shaving. Alum is an anti-bacterial medicine, which has been used for years in the treatment of injuries, cuts, or burns. Many benefits of alum have been mentioned in Ayurveda. It is believed that alum gives relief from 23 types of problems. Along with keeping the body healthy, it is also used to maintain the beauty of the face. Not only this but it is also used for the beauty of hair.

Alum also gives relief from many diseases, but in its use, it should be kept in mind that it is very hot, so it should be used in limited quantity. Most people are not aware of its benefits. Today we will tell you about some such benefits of alum in this article, knowing that you will also be surprised…

Removes the smell of sweat: Many people believe that alum is used only for burns, cuts, and injuries, but it also works to remove the smell of sweat. If your body sweats more and it smells, then you can take a bath mixed with alum in water. This will solve your problem of bad smell.

To get rid of sore throat: In case of sore throat, many people start consuming different types of medicines, but you can also get relief from alum present in the house. By gargling with alum water two to three times, you will get relief from the cough.

In removing the problem of dandruff: Anti-bacterial properties are found in alum. If you are suffering from dandruff problems then alum can help you with this too. Wash your hair with alum water two to three times a week, it will give you relief. You can also massage alum water on the scalp and then wash your hair with shampoo.

Relieves joint pain: Many types of anti-inflammatory properties are found in alum. Because of this, alum also helps in reducing pain and swelling. If there is pain or swelling in any part of your body, then you can do fomentation with Fitraki water, which will give you relief. In case of joint pain, you can sit by immersing your feet in alum water. This will give you instant relief.

Relief in dental problems – Alum also gives relief from all the problems of the mouth. If there is a bad smell from the mouth or there is a pain in the gums, then alum can prove to be very useful. Alum is like a natural mouthwash. Gargling with alum also helps with a toothache.