Kachnar Medicinal Uses: - Kachnar will cure many diseases, know the method of use
With increasing age, many problems related to health starts troubling. But you do not need to worry because nature has blessed us with wonderful things. By using these things which are available for free, we can overcome many problems related to health. Today we are telling you about Kachnar, a gift of nature.
Yes, Kachnar is known as a beautiful and useful tree. Kachnar is the fruit of the orchid tree. The flowers and buds of Kachnar taste bitter when raw but it is used extensively in pickles. It grows mainly in spring. Kachnar leaves help in reducing blood sugar levels and controlling diabetes.
Kachnar helps in improving metabolism. According to Ayurveda, consuming Kachnar powder with honey or lukewarm water helps manage thyroid imbalance.
Kachnar heals wounds by creating new cells. It helps fight free radicals and boosts immunity with its antioxidant properties. It helps with swelling due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
According to Ayurveda, when mixed with honey it acts as a cleansing agent for the skin and gives relief from problems like itching, acne, pimples etc. It has a cooling effect on the skin due to its astringent properties. The information related to Kachnar has been shared by Ayurvedic expert Dr Diksa Bhavsar on Instagram.
He wrote in the caption, 'Kachnar is my favourite herb and is famous among Ayurvedic doctors as the main ingredient of Kachnar Guggulu tablet, which is used for a thyroid disorder, PCOS, cyst, cancer, lipoma, fibroid, external and internal growth, skin Used for diseases etc.
- Qualities - Short (light to digest)
- dryness
- Rasa (taste) – Kashaya (astringent)
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect) – katu (pungent)
- Veerya - Sheetal (Cold)
- Effects (Special Effects) - GandmalaNasha - Useful in Cervical lymphadenitis and all types of thyroid complications.
- Effect on Tridosha - Relieves Kapha and Pitta.
The plant contains phytoconstituents such as hentrikontan, octacosanol, sitosterol and stigmasterol that contribute to the antiallergic properties of the plant.
Ayurvedic properties of Kachnar
- Leprosy - cures skin disorders.
- Sofhara - Relieves swelling.
- Swarahara - Provides relief from asthma.
- Rasayana - Rejuvenation
- Helminthic - useful in worm infestations
- Kandughna- Provides relief from itching.
- Vishaghna - useful in detoxification
- Vrinhara - Useful in wounds
- Kashara- gives relief from cough.
Medicinal uses of kachnar
- The anti-inflammatory properties of kachnar help in reducing the swelling and pain caused by piles. This makes the passage of stool easy.
- Kachnar bark helps in curing the problem of Kaphadosha in the body. It helps in correcting the imbalance in the balance of hormone levels from the thyroid. This is because Kachnar helps in expelling phlegm from the body.
- Kachnar bark helps in improving the digestive system, it removes stomach problems. The astringent properties of Kachnar have a cooling effect on the digestive system.
- Kachnar slows down the growth of cancer cells and thus prevents cancer.
- Kachnar extracts contain insulin-like chemicals which help in reducing and controlling the sugar level.
- Kachnar flowers are very effective in healing internal wounds of the body.
- The powder of the bark of the Kachnar tree helps fight bacteria and germs in the mouth. It is very effective in killing bacteria and restoring the pH balance in the mouth. It keeps the mouth free from bad breath naturally.
- The bitter flowers of Kachnar work as a blood purifier. It is very beneficial for women as it helps in controlling periods. It purifies the blood and hence other essential organs of the body, such as the liver.
- Kachnar flowers are a very important ingredient which cures cough and clears the respiratory tract with its anti-bacterial properties.
Method of use
- The simple way to use it is to make a decoction of its flowers and bark and consume it on an empty stomach.
It is always best to consult an Ayurvedic expert before consuming it for medicinal purposes so that the doctor can suggest the optimum dosage as per your diagnosis, metabolism and mind-body nature.
Image Credit: Freepik& Shutterstock
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