Amoebic meningoencephalitis: Amoebic meningoencephalitis case Kerala!


Amoebic meningoencephalitis case Kerala:   A case of five-year-old child suffering from a rare brain infection caused by amoeba has come to light in Malappuram district of Kerala. State Health Minister Veena George told reporters on Wednesday that the child infected with 'amoebic meningoencephalitis' has been admitted to Kozhikode Medical College and will be provided all possible medical care. The child is a resident of Munniyoor Panchayat of Malappuram.

Quarantined family

He said that other members of the child's family are also under the observation of doctors. George said that there is no specific medicine to treat this rare infection. The minister said that the child and other family members had taken a bath in the pond near the house on May 1 and on May 10, the child started having fever, headache, and vomiting. George said that the child was taken to private hospitals before being admitted to Kozhikode Government Medical College Hospital on May 12.

Know its symptoms immediately

Earlier, cases of such infection were also reported in the coastal Alappuzha district of the state in 2023 and 2017. Medical experts and doctors said that the human brain gets infected when amoeba bacteria enter the body through the nose. Doctors have advised people to avoid bathing in dirty water. The main symptoms of this disease are fever, headache, vomiting, and dizziness.

When this matter came to light for the first time in Kerala. Then, given the rare brain infection i.e. primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, the Kerala government advised people to avoid bathing in contaminated water.

Is the disease fatal?

In July 2023, a teenager died of the same disease. Then the state health minister had said that till now the life of whoever suffered from this disease could not be saved.

doctor's advice

Doctors said that when free-living, non-parasitic amoeba bacteria enter the body through the nose, the human brain gets infected. This is a serious disease. In such a situation, people should avoid bathing with contaminated water and should also use clean water for cooking and drinking.