Asthama Updates: Early symptoms of asthma in children !


Asthma is a chronic and incurable disease. The patient has to live with the symptoms of this disease throughout his life. However, its severity can be reduced to some extent through treatment. But life is not easy with this. In such a situation, every year April 7 is celebrated as World Asthma Day, the purpose of which is to make people aware of this disease.

People of every age group are at risk of this lung-related disease. But children are more vulnerable to it. Apart from being genetic, the reasons for this are the short duration of the mother's milk intake, weak immunity, exposure to pollution, and secondhand smoke. Dr. Ravi Shankar Jha, Director, and Unit Head Pulmonology, Fortis Escorts Hospital Faridabad, has explained the initial symptoms with the help of which this disease can be managed better in children.

Early symptoms of asthma in children – 

frequent cough

Persistent cough, especially at night or during physical activities, can be an early sign of asthma in children. This cough can be dry or with phlegm.


Wheezing is a loud sound produced while breathing, which is usually heard during exhalation. This is caused by the narrowing of the air passages and is a symptom of asthma in children.

shortness of breath

Children with asthma may experience difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, especially after physical exertion or exposure to asthma triggers such as allergens or cold air.

chest tightness

Asthma can cause a feeling of chest tightness or discomfort. Children may describe the feeling that something is pressing or pressing on their chest.


Persistent cough and difficulty in breathing can cause fatigue in children suffering from asthma. They may seem tired or lethargic, especially during periods of increased asthma symptoms.

Breathing rapidly

An exacerbation of asthma can lead to rapid breathing as the body tries to compensate for the drop in oxygen levels. Parents should monitor their child's breathing rate, especially during an asthma attack.

Trouble sleeping

Asthma symptoms often worsen at night, causing disrupted sleep patterns. Children suffering from asthma may have trouble sleeping or wake up frequently due to coughing or difficulty breathing.

Avoiding physical activities

Some children with asthma may avoid physical activities or sports for fear of triggering asthma symptoms. This can affect their overall physical fitness and quality of life.

Allergy symptoms

Are linked to allergies and asthma. Therefore, children suffering from asthma may also experience symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, or skin rashes, especially when exposed to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or pet dander.

Anxiety or irritability

Living with asthma can be stressful for children, causing anxiety or irritability, especially during asthma attacks or when symptoms interfere with daily activities.