Astrology Tips : Understand from these signs that bad times are coming


If the puja plate falls, then understand that your bad time is about to begin, in such a situation, ask God to forgive the mistake you have made unknowingly.

If the lamp is getting extinguished again and again while performing Puja or Aarti, then it is also considered an inauspicious sign.

The barking of a dog portends an impending crisis, while a dog barking outside the house at night means that bad times are about to begin.

Cracking or breaking of glass is also not considered auspicious, it means that some trouble is going to come upon you.

The crying of a cat in the house or around the house is also not considered auspicious.

If you have bad dreams daily, then it is a sign of quarrels in the house or trouble with any member of the house.

Sudden drying of Tulsi planted in the house is also not considered auspicious.