ATM Card Tips: Money is charged on ATM cards also, one has to pay this much charge...


ATM facility is provided by all the banks operating in India. The ATM card given by the bank is not free forever. You have to pay an annual ATM card fee.

In today's time, almost everyone uses an ATM card. There is hardly any person who does not carry an ATM card with him.

With the help of an ATM card, you can get cash whenever you need it. You can remove it very easily. In today's time, people do not like to carry cash but prefer to keep ATM cards.

ATM facility is provided by all the banks operating in India. After opening the account, apart from the bank's passbook and checkbook, the account holders are also given an ATM card free of cost.

It is not that the ATM card is free forever. You have to pay a charge to the bank for maintenance of your ATM card annually. This charge is determined differently by different banks.

Generally, this charge can range from Rs 150 to Rs 1000. The debit card you are using. Which category of debit card is it? Its annual maintenance fee is also charged accordingly.

Not only this, apart from the maintenance charge for using an ATM card, if you do more than 5 cash transactions in a month. So you have to pay its charges also.

If your ATM is lost or broken. Then you want a new ATM card. For that also you have to pay the same amount as the maintenance charge. Then you get a new ATM card.

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