ATM Transaction Tips: If you do not withdraw money from ATM even after completing the transaction, then follow these methods..


In today's time, most people prefer to remain cashless and after Corona, the trend of payment processes like UPI has increased, but still sometimes there is a need for cash. In such a situation, the easiest solution is to withdraw money from an ATM. Many people depend on ATMs to withdraw cash when needed and it is an easy way to get cash.

Many times it happens that even after making a transaction, money is not withdrawn from the ATM. There is nothing to worry about because sometimes it happens due to technical faults. But what is worrying is when the ATM rejects your transaction, you receive an SMS that the amount has been deducted from your account. This is a serious situation and becomes more worrying when the amount withdrawn is high. In such a situation, the tips mentioned below can help you.

Why does this situation happen?

Such a situation mainly arises due to two reasons, when money is deducted from your account, but cash is not received from the ATM. The first situation is a technical fault. In this, the ATM may be faulty, and usually, as a normal procedure, banks check their machines at regular intervals and fix them. Also, if money is deducted, it is automatically deposited in your account.

In another situation, this may happen due to fraud, in which fraudsters tamper with the ATM and use it to 'clone' your card and later money can be withdrawn from your account. In both situations, if money has been deducted from your account, then some important steps should be taken.

Contact Customer Care

In such a situation, first of all, contact the customer care of the bank. For this one has to call the 24-hour customer service helpline of the bank. By doing this your issue will be noted and after recording your transaction reference number, the executive will register your complaint and issue you a complaint tracking number. According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in this case, the credit should be credited to the customer's account within seven working days.

Visit bank branch

If you do not understand how to talk to customer care, you can also visit the bank branch. To raise a complaint on the helpdesk one should visit the nearest branch, where you will be given a complaint tracking number.

Talk to the branch manager

If your complaint is not resolved, speak to the manager of the branch where you have your account. You can also visit the bank's website and complain to the complaint cell.

National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC)

Established under the Consumer Protection Act, of 1986, NCDRC is a quasi-judicial body to resolve customer complaints and will step in on your behalf. Apart from this, legal routes can also be adopted. If there is no progress in your case for a month or more, you can appoint legal counsel to act on your behalf.

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