Ayushman Bharat Yojana: You also get an Ayushman card made, and you will get the benefit of Rs 5 lakh, know the method!


PC: amarujala

Whether you live in an urban area or a rural area, if you are eligible for a particular scheme, you can avail of its benefits. The government operates various schemes which include pension, ration distribution, housing, insurance, and employment opportunities. One such scheme is "Ayushman Bharat Yojana", which has been renamed as 'Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana-Mukhyamantri Yojana'. By joining this scheme, you can get free treatment up to Rs 5 lakh. To avail the benefits of this scheme, let us know how eligible persons can get an Ayushman Card.

What is the scheme and its benefits?

Under the Ayushman scheme, Ayushman cards are issued to eligible persons. Cardholders can get free medical treatment up to Rs five lakh in listed hospitals through this Ayushman card. The entire cost of this treatment is borne by the government.

First, understand who is eligible:

Persons eligible for the scheme include those living in rural areas, daily wage laborers, persons belonging to Scheduled Castes or Tribes, landless persons, homeless or tribal communities, and families with disabled members. Additionally, people with inadequate housing may also be eligible for the scheme.

PC: amarujala

How to get an Ayushman Card:

First of all, go to your nearest Common Service Center (Jan Seva Kendra).

Meet the concerned authority at the center and submit your documents.

Your documents and eligibility will be verified.

Once everything goes well, your Ayushman card will be issued.