Beauty: Prepare Vitamin C cream at home like this, you will see a glow in 15 days!



People often use various products and remedies to maintain the glow of their skin and keep it young. Currently, Vitamin C serums and creams have gained popularity in this pursuit. Vitamin C is known to not only reduce fine lines, wrinkles and tanning but also promote overall skin health. You can easily prepare Vitamin C-rich cream at home with a few ingredients.

Vitamin C is effective not only for health but also for increasing the vitality of your skin. It helps protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and increases collagen, which keeps your face young even as you age. Let us learn how you can make Vitamin C cream at home.

Ingredients for Vitamin C Cream:

If you want to prepare Vitamin C cream at home, you will need one teaspoon of Vitamin E oil, two tablespoons of coconut oil and four tablespoons of aloe vera gel. Additionally, you will need one teaspoon of Vitamin C powder, which is easily available in the market.

Apply this cream like this:

To make Vitamin C cream, first mix aloe vera gel and vitamin C powder well. Then, mix vitamin E oil and coconut oil. A hand blender can be used to mix all the ingredients well, creating a creamy texture. Once ready, store the cream in an airtight jar, away from direct sunlight.