Beauty Tips: Do these home remedies to get rid of the problem of pimples and acne. 


Many people have to face the problem of pimples and acne on their face. There can be many reasons for this. No one wants to see a face full of spots and blemishes in the mirror. Today we are going to tell you a home remedy to get rid of this problem. Coconut oil can prove to be very useful in removing this problem of yours.

you can use it. For this, you will have to put coconut oil in a vessel and add one spoon lemon juice to it. After this apply it on your face. Now make a pace pack by mixing one spoon of gram flour in 2 spoons of lukewarm or raw milk and adding a pinch of finely ground turmeric and sandalwood powder to it.

Now apply it on your face for twenty minutes. After this wash your face. By doing this many types of problems related to your skin will go away.

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