Beauty Tips: Make face pack of gram flour in this way, using it will enhance the beauty of the face!


What do people do to enhance the glow of their face? Today we are going to tell you a home remedy to increase facial glow. You can enhance the beauty of your face through gram flour. Gram flour will prove to be very useful for you in applying glow on the skin. By using it the skin also looks soft.

You can use it by making a face pack. For this, put gram flour in the vessel and add a pinch of turmeric to it. After this, prepare a paste by mixing curd, raw milk or rose water in it. Now apply this face pack on the face until it dries slightly. After this wash the face with normal water.

This will soon bring amazing glow to your face. You can use it regularly daily. By using it, many types of skin related problems will go away.

PC: jagran, freepik

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