Best friend keeps asking for loan again and again, it is getting difficult to refuse, how to solve this problem?
A true friend is one who helps you in times of need, but if you are the one helping again and again and the other person is just taking advantage, then this needs to be curbed immediately.
How Do I Say No To Best Friend Who Always Ask For Money: It is completely justified to favor or help each other in friendship, this strengthens the relationship even more, but if the best friend starts asking for money again and again, then this action cannot be considered right, because you cannot depend too much on your partner in matters of money, wealth can spoil the relationship. Many times you yourself do not have enough money to give to your friend. If your friend repeatedly asks for money, then how can you refuse him.
How to refuse a loan?
1. Explain honestly
The most important thing is to talk honestly with your friend on this issue. If you are facing problems in lending money continuously, then you can say clearly, "I want to help you, but repeatedly lending money is affecting my own expenses." By saying this your friend will be able to understand your condition better.
2. Refer to your budget
Sometimes it is necessary to explain that you want to have control over your own budget. You can say, "I need to focus on managing my finances, so I cannot lend money to anyone right now." Your friend has to understand that you cannot spoil the budget again and again
3. Specify the option
If your friend is often short of money, you can suggest other financial options to him. For example, you can suggest that he consult a financial counselor or consider a small part-time job. This method can help him stand on his own feet.
4. Set limits
If your friend repeatedly asks for a loan and you feel uncomfortable in refusing it repeatedly, then it is important to set a limit. You can decide in advance how much money you can lend and how often. Such limits will maintain clarity between you and your friend.
5. Be sensitive in the relationship
Although you should protect your financial interests, it is important to be sensitive. If your friend is in a difficult situation, find other ways to help them, such as giving them emotional support, getting help from someone else, etc.