Blood Pressure: Why are fried foods a health hazard?

Blood Pressure Controlling Tips: This disease is very common in India, almost every third person suffers from it. In such a situation, it is very important to maintain a healthy weight and remain active, but eating habits also play an important role in controlling this disease.


World Hypertension Day 2024: World Hypertension Day which is celebrated across the country on 17 May. On this occasion, HOD of Cardiology RIMS (RIMS) Dr. Hemant Narayan Ray told what is high blood pressure i.e. hypertension, and how it can be avoided.

This disease is very common in India, almost every third person suffers from it. In such a situation, it is very important to maintain a healthy weight and remain active, but eating habits also play an important role in controlling this disease. Especially in India, where tasty but often fried foods are consumed, it becomes very important to understand the relationship between fitness, fried foods, and blood pressure.

Why are fried foods a health hazard?

If you eat fried foods regularly, it can increase your blood pressure significantly. Let us know why:

1. High amounts of saturated and trans fat:   Fried foods are often cooked in oils that have high amounts of saturated and trans fat. These fats increase LDL (“bad”) cholesterol in the blood, which leads to plaque accumulation.

2. Too much sodium:  Many fried foods contain too much salt, which increases the amount of sodium in the body. A diet high in sodium and low potassium makes the blood vessels stiff, which increases the risk of high blood pressure.

3. Low nutrition:  Eating fried food destroys essential nutrients. Fried foods often lack fiber, essential vitamins, and minerals, which are essential for the overall health of the body and proper functioning of the heart.

Control blood pressure through fitness and food.

By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce high blood pressure. Two things are important in a healthy lifestyle – fitness and a balanced diet, which should not contain too many fried foods.


Daily exercise: Doing aerobic exercise for 90 to 150 minutes a week reduces blood pressure. Aerobic exercises are those in which you keep breathing, such as fast walking, running, or swimming.

Exercise reduces weight, improves blood flow and the heart becomes stronger and can pump blood better.

Control blood pressure by

eating less fried things: Eat fried things as little as possible. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. This reduces the amount of saturated and trans fats, which increase blood pressure.

Choose a healthy protein: Instead of processed meat found in fried foods, it can be beneficial to eat healthy protein items like fish, lentils, and chicken breast.

Eat less salt: Reduce salt intake. Try to consume less than 1500 mg of sodium in a day. You can take potassium potassium-rich diet.

Tips to control blood pressure:

1. Read the information written on food packets: While buying canned or packaged food, definitely check the amount of salt and fat written on it.

2. Cook food at home: With this, you can control both what you are putting in your food and how much quantity you are eating.

3. Choose healthy options: There are many delicious and healthy options for fried foods. Try to consume them.