Cervical Pain:-Cervical pain will go away, follow these tips given by experts


In today's busy life, everyone is troubled by cervical problems. This problem is more severe for those people who work continuously in shifts of 9 hours. Cervical causes pain in the lower part of the neck and spreads to the waist. Sometimes the pain increases so much that even moving the neck becomes difficult. If you are also struggling with cervical problems, then we are telling you some tips given by yoga expert Dr. NupurRohatgi which can prove to be effective in getting relief from cervical pain.

Ways to get relief from cervical problems

Fomentation with a heating pad

Experts say that whenever cervical pain arises, first of all, keep a distance from your phone and warm the neck with a heating pad for at least 10 minutes. This will remove stiffness and pain and will also provide relief from swelling.


You should massage the painful area with mustard oil, doing this can provide a lot of relief from pain. Apart from this, press the affected area with the help of your fingers, this can also provide relief from pain.

Do yoga

Experts recommend doing yoga for cervical pain. According to experts, people who have desk jobs should focus on some yoga asanas. Like Setubandha Asana, Bhujangasana, Marjariyasana, Dhanurasana, Matsyasana. Practising all these asanas stretches your entire body. There is movement in the neck and shoulders. Flexibility in the body increases and muscles become stronger. Shoulders and arms get strengthened. There is also a reduction in stress and fatigue. Whenever you feel pain, you can practice any of these asanas.

Sleep like this

After practising yoga, you should lie on your left side and rest for some time without using a pillow; this can give you a lot of relief from pain.