Chandra Grahan on Holi 2024: Holi will be celebrated under the shadow of a lunar eclipse, pregnant women should not make these mistakes during this time!


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Lunar and solar eclipses have special significance in the Hindu religion. This year, the first lunar eclipse is going to occur on the occasion of Holi. However, this lunar eclipse will not be visible in India, hence Sutak will not be observed. This lunar eclipse is occurring due to the presence of Ketu. According to Vedic astrology, on this day the Moon will be in Virgo. As a result, there will be a conjunction of Ketu and Moon, which may impact the twelve zodiac signs in some way or the other. The effect of the lunar eclipse lasts for one month.

According to astrology, it is advised to refrain from participating in any auspicious work during the lunar eclipse. The presence of negative energy in the environment increases during an eclipse. This can have adverse effects on pregnant women and their unborn children. Therefore, it is important to take some precautions during the lunar eclipse.

In the Hindu religion, the day of the lunar eclipse is considered extremely inauspicious. According to religious beliefs, as much worship and virtuous deeds as possible should be done during this period. The first lunar eclipse of the year 2024 is falling on March 25, which falls on the day of Phalgun Purnima. Many rules have been given for this in astrology. Besides, necessary instructions have also been given to pregnant women to follow.

The exact time of the lunar eclipse in 2024:

According to the Hindu calendar, the first lunar eclipse of the year will occur on 25 March 2024, on the day of Phalgun Purnima. It is noteworthy that the duration of the lunar eclipse will be from 10:24 am to 3:01 pm. During this time it is advised to chant Vedic mantras.

Precautions for pregnant women during lunar eclipse:

Pregnant women are advised to stay indoors during the lunar eclipse as negative energy can affect the unborn child.

Avoid using sharp objects like knives or scissors during lunar eclipse.

During this period one should avoid consuming any food. However, pregnant women can consume fruits, juices, etc. if necessary.

To prevent the entry of negative rays during the eclipse, cover the windows of the house with thick curtains.

Do not consume food prepared before the eclipse. After the eclipse ends, mix Ganga water in water and take a bath.

During this period, pregnant women should meditate on Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. Avoid sleeping during eclipse. Keep basil leaves in all food and drink items.