Credit Card Tips: If you are using a credit card, keep these 8 tips in mind..
Nowadays, many people have started using credit cards. However, you should know how to use a credit card and what charges are levied on it. Often, due to not paying attention to this, people have to pay more money than necessary. Every credit card (Credit Card using tips) user should know some things about it. If you also want to save your pocket from being picked, then keep these 8 things in mind.
1- Annual charge on card
The annual charge is levied on most credit cards. Some get exemption from this on shopping up to a certain limit.
2- Interest on credit card dues
If payment is not made by the due date, a huge interest of up to 36-48 percent can be levied on the credit card dues.
3- Loss of withdrawing cash
Do not withdraw cash from a credit card under any circumstances. Heavy interest starts being levied on its cash from the very first day.
4- Also keep in mind the surcharge
A surcharge is levied on filling oil from a credit card. Most companies refund it, please check with your company.
5- Be careful in overseas transactions
Shopping can be done abroad with a credit card, but first, know the charges levied on it.
6- Reduce credit limit usage
Credit limit should not be used more than 30-50 percent, it has a bad effect on CIBIL.
7- Avoid the hassle of minimum dues
Despite paying the minimum dues, a huge interest is charged on your outstanding amount, so always pay the full bill.
8- Reduce balance transfer usage
Bill of another card can be paid with a balance transfer, but its excessive use spoils CIBIL.
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