Dark Circles: Do this home remedy to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, you will feel the difference immediately!


PC: lokmat.news18

Due to stressful life, many people have the problem of dark circles under the eyes. Dark spots under the eyes can also occur due to not getting enough sleep, working long hours on the computer, and some diseases. Due to these dark circles, the face also looks dull, due to which the confidence of many people decreases. So home remedies to get rid of these dark circles will help you to feel the difference within a few days and get rid of this problem.

Cucumber: Cucumber can be used to reduce dark circles. Cut a piece of cucumber and keep it in the fridge to cool down for some time. Then keep these cold cucumber pieces on the eyes for some time. Try doing this activity for 10 to 15 days. It cools your eyes and helps in getting rid of dark circles.

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Green Tea Bag: Green tea is very beneficial for the eyes. Since it has antioxidant properties, it can be used to get rid of dark circles. Soak green tea bags and keep them in the fridge and take them out when they cool down a bit. Let them keep the tea bags on the eyes for 15 minutes. This will give a lot of relief to the eyes and swelling and dark circles will go away.

Milk: Milk contains Vitamin A which helps in getting rid of dark circles. Then dip a cotton ball in cold milk and keep it on the eyes. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and then remove it from the eyes. Doing this daily helps in getting rid of dark circles.

PC: lokmat.news18

Rose water: Take rose water in a bowl. Soak cotton in it and keep it on the eyes for 20 minutes. Leave it for some time. You can use it every morning. This will get rid of the problem of dark circles.

Potato: The natural bleaching agents of potato help in reducing dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. To do this remedy, first, take a grated raw potato and extract its juice and keep it aside. After this, soak cotton in the juice and keep it on the eyes for 10 minutes. Wash your face with clean water after ten minutes, doing this every day will definitely help in reducing dark circles.