Dental care: Can lost teeth grow back? This claim by Japanese scientists will make you happy!


Tooth decay or breakage is a common problem, to deal with which we often resort to dentures or implants. But what if you know that tooth decay will not be a permanent problem in the future?

Loss of teeth or their damage is a common problem, to deal with which we often resort to dentures or implants. But what if you come to know that in the future, loss of teeth will not be a permanent problem? Yes, according to the news coming from Japan, the dream of regrowing teeth may soon come true. A biotech startup associated with Kyoto University named Toregem Biopharma and a team of scientists are engaged in developing the technology of regrowing teeth. Let us know about this exciting discovery in detail.

The principle of tooth regrowth revolves around an antibody drug developed by Toregem Biopharma. The drug targets a specific protein called 'uterine sensitization-associated gene-1' (USAG-1), which normally inhibits tooth development. By eliminating this protein, the drug essentially activates the tooth formation process, allowing new teeth to grow naturally.

Dr. Katsu Takahashi, head of the Department of Dental Care and Oral Surgery at Kitano Hospital, is the leading scientist of this study. His research has shown that blocking the USAG-1 protein triggers the process of formation of new tooth roots. This process has been successfully tested on animals such as mice and ferrets, where new teeth grew in the treated organisms without any serious damage.

What happens after the tests?

Getting treatment from the lab to patients is a long process, but Toregem Biopharma is making good progress. The company is set to begin Phase 1 clinical trials in September, which will be the first tests of this treatment on humans. The initial tests will involve 30 healthy men who are missing at least one molar tooth. The primary goal of these tests is to ensure the drug's safety in humans.

What happens if the tests are successful?

If these tests are successful, the next phase will focus on children aged 2 to 7 years who suffer from congenital anodontia. This is a condition in which some or all of the teeth are missing from birth. About 0.1% of the population is affected by this condition and current treatments are limited to dentures or implants. It is hoped that this drug could provide a more natural and permanent solution.