Eye Care Tips: If the eyelids become swollen and red, then know the reason and easy methods of home remedies...


The eyes are a very delicate and important part of the body. Proper care of them helps in maintaining good eyesight and keeping the eyes healthy for a long time. That's why it is important to pay attention to the problems related to every part of the eyes. Sometimes the infection can take a serious form and cause permanent damage to the eyes. One such part of the eye is the eyelid. That is the part where the eyelashes are attached. This part acts like a cover or curtain to protect the eyes. Its role is important in preventing external dust, smoke, waste, and harmful particles from entering the eyes. Sometimes swelling, redness, pimples or other problems develop in this part. It is necessary to diagnose and treat these problems in a timely and correct manner. Let us know how to take care and what things to keep in mind.

The skin around the eyes contains very soft tissues. When fluid fills in these tissues for some reason, this part swells up. It can also sometimes cause itching, pain, and burning. This condition can be a sign of many problems. As-

- any allergies


- pink eye


Blockage of an oil gland in the eyelids

Pimples on the skin of the eyelids

Infection around the eye socket

Any thyroid disorder

Home remedies that can give relief:
Keep a clean cotton wet cloth on the eyes twice a day for 10-15 minutes. This will help in removing the excess oil accumulated in the glands around the eyes and in removing the flakes deposited on the eyelids.

Be it an infection or a pimple, never rub or rub your eyes. Instead, clean the eyes with a clean and soft cotton cloth, handkerchief, or cotton with very light hands. Clean and lukewarm water or antiseptic can be used with a doctor's advice. But don't let it get inside the eyes.

Try to minimize the stress on the eyes during infection or pimples or inflammation. Reduce the use of mobile, books, TV, laptop, etc. and if possible lie down with closed eyes.

Avoid using makeup, contact lenses, or any eye accessories.

If there is a problem with dry eyes, then take measures for it.

If there is no relief in swelling in a day or two, watery eyes, burning sensation, or itching, then definitely contact the doctor.