Fact Check: If you drink coffee, your heartbeat will increase and you will stop sleeping! Know what doctors say


Many people are fond of drinking coffee, while for many it is such a morning drink without which they cannot get rid of sleep. Coffee not only refreshes the mood but drinking it also provides many benefits. Many research related to these benefits are also available to the public.

However, a short published on YouTube on @MyChannel-i4w states that drinking coffee can cause many problems including insomnia, and stomach pain. How true or false this claim is, let's find out with the help of a doctor.

What is the claim

In short, the content creator has talked about the harms of coffee. According to him, consumption of coffee can cause problems like insomnia, nervousness, increased heartbeat, upset stomach, headache and nausea.

Doctor's Take

To know the truth of the claim, we spoke to Dr. Snigdha Vartak, founder and chief consultant of Samanvay Ayurveda Clinic, Hyderabad. She has given a mixed response to this claim. According to her, it depends on the person and the quantity consumed as to how many benefits and how many disadvantages it has.

What do doctors say

According to the doctor, coffee contains many types of chemicals. He said that coffee contains a high amount of caffeine, which rapidly stimulates the nervous system. It promotes alertness and physical performance by blocking adenosine receptors in the brain. Apart from this, it also contains chlorogenic, quinic, citric, malic, acetic and formic acid. Which affects bile. According to him, coffee promotes Vata dosha.

The doctor listed the disadvantages of coffee

  • Excessive consumption of coffee increases anxiety and nervousness.
  • Caffeine in coffee contains a chemical called adenosine, which disturbs the sleeping pattern.
  • Regular use can lead to headaches, fatigue, irritability, and difficulty focusing.
  • Coffee is acidic and irritates the stomach lining. This can cause acid reflux, gastritis or an upset stomach.
  • Coffee relaxes the lower oesophagal sphincter, which can cause acid reflux or heartburn.

What was the conclusion?

In a fact check conducted by the Sajag team, it was found that the claim that drinking coffee causes problems is true to a large extent. However, these problems are mostly in those cases where coffee consumption is excessive. In such a situation, experts advise to take it thoughtfully.

PC: Social Media