Fatty Liver Signs: Fatty liver causes swelling in body parts, do not ignore it!


PC: Newsd.in

The problem of fatty liver is now coming to the fore in a big way. In which excess fat accumulates in the liver. This causes the problem of fatty liver. There are no symptoms in the early stages of fat accumulation in the liver. If it is detected then it can be treated. But if the disease goes undiagnosed, the problem worsens and there is a risk of liver cirrhosis and liver damage. Alcoholic fatty liver is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, while non-alcoholic fatty liver is caused by poor lifestyle and diet.

Excess fat gets deposited on the walls of the liver, which is metabolic-related fatty liver disease. Take precautions before the development of serious diseases like liver damage and liver cirrhosis and get checked immediately if you see swelling in these parts of the body.

Swelling occurs in these parts of the body

Abdominal swelling

When there is a problem with fatty liver, its symptoms start in the stomach. In this problem, the size of the liver starts changing. So the stomach looks bloated. Along with this, digestive problems start. Which most people ignore as normal. But abdominal bloating is a symptom of fatty liver.


PC: Daily Express

Swollen feet and ankles

Liver damage due to fatty liver causes increased pressure in the veins of the liver. This affects the nerves connected to the liver that go to the intestines and put pressure on other organs. Due to this, the flu starts spreading. Due to which other parts of the body, feet, and ankles swell. This condition is called edema.

Swelling in the palms

Along with the feet and ankles, the upper part of the soles also starts swelling.

Along with the hands and feet, the effect of fatty liver disease can also be seen on the hands. Fluid retention causes swelling in the arm.

PC: The Times of India

Fatty liver disease in men

causes breast tissue to become enlarged. This causes the area around the breast to swell. Liver damage leads to hormonal imbalance. As a result, there is swelling in the breast.