Gold Jewellery Tips: Keep gold jewelery at home or in a bank locker, know what is beneficial for you..


Very fond of Indian jewelry. Gold or silver jewelery will be found in every house. Most Indians keep their valuables at home only. But, now the trend of keeping jewelery and other valuables in bank lockers is also increasing. While it is easier to access gold jewelery or other valuables when they remain at home, bank lockers protect against theft and other risks including fire. Therefore the question arises whether gold jewelery should be kept at home or kept in bank lockers.

The decision of whether to keep gold jewelery at home or in a bank locker is taken keeping many things in mind. Based on factors like security, convenience, and expense, you should decide whether it would be better to keep your gold jewelery at home or in a bank locker. There are some advantages and some disadvantages of keeping jewelery at home. The same thing applies to bank lockers.

Where is more security?

The risk of theft of jewelery kept in a bank locker is much less than that of keeping jewelery at home. If you have to leave your house deserted or it is in an area where fewer people live nearby, then it is not right to keep jewelery in the house. Because this increases the risk of theft.

Will you have to spend money on a locker?

You will not have to spend a single penny on the maintenance of the jewelery kept at home. At the same time, banks do not provide locker facilities for free. They charge rent for this. Therefore, you will have to spend a few rupees every year on keeping your jewelery in a bank locker. Bank locker rent ranges from Rs 1,000 to Rs 10,000 per year.


Only the locker holder knows what is kept in the bank locker. Therefore, a bank locker provides more privacy. Apart from daily use jewelry, if you have kept gold jewelery for investment purposes, then you should keep it in the locker only so that others do not know how much gold you have.

If you have jewelery at home, you can wear it anytime.

One advantage of keeping jewelery at home is that you can wear it anytime. Keeping jewelery in a bank locker leads to the hassle of bringing it back from the bank when needed and then putting it back again. Therefore, if you need jewelery frequently, you should keep it in your nearest bank locker.

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